Culture is an area of lively discussion, active negotiation, positive tension, ambiguity, and creativity. It's an ever-evolving ecosystem that requires structure and it is a space for growth that includes various cultural actors: professionals and amateurs, organisations, initiatives, individuals, as well as the broader community.
The initiative for the establishment of New Spaces of Culture came from more than 50 artists, cultural workers and experts, while jointly working on the Cultural Development Plan of the City of Zagreb 2024–2030. It is here that the need for a new, decentralised cultural infrastructure in the city of Zagreb, was clearly identified.
New Cultural Spaces aims to strengthen the development of cultural life, make culture and art accessible in every neighbourhood in Zagreb, and to recognise diversity of audiences and their needs.
The foundations on which New Spaces of Culture rest are increasing accessibility and inclusivity of culture and the promotion of cultural and artistic creation, cultural diversity and civil society development.
A city without culture and art is merely a network of streets and squares. That’s why we need more from our neighbourhoods, more from our city.